Moving is one of the most stressful things one can endure in their life. Selecting a moving company should be the most important thing you do during your move. After all, they will be handling all of your precious belongings. Whether you are moving across town or across country, you should always be prepared for anything. Although no one intends for accidents to happen, they are still a possibility. In the state of Texas you should be protected, but to what extent?

In 2005, the Texas State Legislature passed a bill requiring all Movers within the state to be licensed. In order to obtain a license, the moving company must file a proof of insurance; similar to a licensed automobile driver. Moving companies are required to carry a minimum amount of 60 cents per pound for loss or damaged items. Before selecting a mover you need to determine the value of your belongings and does the mover you selected offer additional coverage for any loss or damage to items. Keep in mind a total loss of your belongings is a very rare circumstance.

To put things in perspective, a normal household with an average load of 10,000 pounds would be covered for $6,000. If your belongings included antiques and family heirlooms with a value of anything over that amount, you should arrange for additional coverage. A single piece alone might be worth more than the total coverage amount of $6,000. To expand on this subject, a 200-pound dresser would be covered for $120 and a 70-pound flat screen TV would only be covered for $45.
Understand that movers are not insurance agents but provide insurance through third party carriers. If a moving company advertises that they are a licensed mover and they are insured, you will want to make sure they carry the required minimum and if they offer additional coverage. If you select the additional coverage, be sure and view the Estimate Order for Service or the Bill of Lading for additional charges. Something else to look into is seeing if your homeowner’s insurance will cover your belongings during a move when using a moving company. This could possibly save you the cost of additional coverage offered by the mover. Remember, moving doesn’t have to be as stressful as other say it is. Knowing all aspects of a move will benefit you in your own move when the time comes.